Have you been thinking about getting a beard transplant but was not sure how much it cost? Allow us to provide you with a free estimate by inquiring with us online. This page can assist you to connect with our Detroit clinic and set you on your way toward enhancing your facial hair.
Our quotation is guaranteed to be one of the lowest ones in the city. Its affordability will still allow us to provide you with services of excellent quality. This quotation is non-binding. It does not require you to have your beard transplant with us. We only hope to give an idea on the projected costs of your procedure. You may even use this as basis to find out how we measure up against other clinics offering similar services. We would be happy to perform the aesthetic enhancements should you decide to have them with us.
Men who have patchy looking facial hair will find it difficult to grow a robust beard. Using creams or other solutions might be effective to some extent. None however can compare to the speed and precision of getting a beard transplant at our Detroit clinic. We are confident that we are one of the most effective service providers in the city. You can achieve a more masculine looking appearance with us in less than a day. In addition, your recovery period will only take about twenty-four hours in total.
We use the follicular extraction method to complete your transformation. Harvesting healthy hair follicles from the donor areas of your head is how we approach the process. Hair on the other parts of the body may also be used, depending on the choice of the patient. These hair follicles are transplanted unto the sections of the face to create a more uniform looking beard. You are then free to style it as you choose once this procedure is finished.