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    Request A Free Beard Transplant Quote

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    Your friends all have them, you’ve tried to grow one. They are the ultimate fashion statement and they’re timeless and edgy. What on earth are we talking about? Oh yes, it’s that “in vogue” explosion of facial follicles – also known to us mere mortals as the bushy beard. It’s the phenomenon that’s rocking men (and driving women wild), throughout the globe!

    But how do you grow a bushy beard? You’ve been patient, growing yours for months now. But it’s more patchy and paltry than rugged and Rasputinesque! So what is the solution for that masculine beard, is it ever going to be wild and glorious? Well, the answer to the latter of those questions is not naturally. But really, don’t despair because there’s a solution available in Corpus Christi – and it’s a long lasting one! A beard transplant.

    The length and breadth of the world over, beard transplants are taking over by a storm. With a simple and affordable procedure, groups of up to four hairs at a time are taken from the rear of your scalp where your hair is at it’s thickest and then placed in their new home. This enables you to grow that enviable and naturally growing beard that will be adored by your friends and women alike.