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    Request A Free Beard Transplant Quote

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    • Your Desired Outcome

    The beard is back and it’s rocking every sidewalk and boulevard. They are the real man’s regalia, that ultimate attire for the mere masculine mortal. They’ll make you look healthy, give you the ultimate sex appeal – and to boot, it’s a way to wave goodbye to that annoying razor rash forever! “That’s all well and good” we are hearing you cry… “but we’ve been growing ours for months and it’s just not happening”!

    We know your pain – and we understand it. That devastating feeling of spending months encouraging the unruly look, only to discover what you’d always suspected! It’s not going to happen. It’s never going to get beyond fluff. This was great when the clean shaven look was rocking the catwalks – but that’s way long gone! Now it’s time to organise that suave and manly look – for good!

    And how are you going to do it? With a beard transplant at our Henderson clinic, of course! Revolutionary and smart, they’ve evolved over the years. Taking hair follicles from the rear of your scalp, where your hair is at is thickest, they are then transplanted into their new homes to give you a naturally growing beard. What on earth are you waiting for? Get making that beard transplant appointment today!