Is your beard in need of more growth in certain areas? Does it look a bit uneven or lack the robustness you require? Men who reside in Charlotte no longer need to search any further. Find out how inexpensive it can be to enhance your facial hair. This webpage can help you get a free quotation that is sure to entice you to visit our clinic.
Our aim is to provide awareness on how much you should expect to pay for such a procedure. You are not obliged to get your beard hair transplant with us. We are sure however that our rates will definitely be lower than most other clinics offering services of similar quality. There might also be some who would prefer to visit our Charlotte clinic on some other day. That option is open to them. They may simply keep their quotation and use it when they do decide to come in for treatment. Should you find our rates agreeable and your schedule permits it then you are most welcome to come in and get your beard hair the added boost you have always wanted.
Using healthy hair follicles for your beard transplant is important. This must come from an area of the head or body that will look good on the face. At the same time, the extraction area should not look too obvious that hair follicles were taken from it. This is why harvesting from the sides or back of the head is ideal because the existing hair strands can easily help those spots blend in.
Patients can sculpt their full beard after they receive their transplant. It only takes a few hours to get one and about a day for recovery.