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    Request A Free Beard Transplant Quote

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    Ever wanted that a beard that is full of bushy gloriousness but it’s just not cutting the mark? Tried over and over again to achieve that fashionable and full bearded look but your baby-face just wasn’t built for it?

    Well, the great news is now out there. Beard transplants are now loud and proud and steaming their way forward towards you! Thankfully, medical science has now evolved. Now, that clean shaven natural look that you’ve always felt made you look twelve years of age can be a thing of the past. Taking groups of up to four hairs at a time where your current hair is at it’s very thickest, your transplant professional will be able to rehome them, enabling you to grow that natural beard that you’re after.

    So make an appointment at our Aurora clinic and speak to a surgeon. That unruly and luxuriant beard is going to make you look healthier, younger and women just love them. So stop being a fashion baby-face and go in for that fully bearded bad boy look that you know you really want. Pack up that razor, say goodbye to the lotions and potions that you’ve purchased for the rash that accompanies it and book your beard transplant today.